Why was inflation a problem after World War 2?

a.Many people went into debt buying on credit without the income to pay cash

b. Many men came home from war without being able to get a job

c. Government controls ended and prices of good rose without workers getting raises

d.Prices of goods increased at double the rate of the standard of living

And you think ... ?

The correct answer is option c. After World War 2, inflation became a problem because government controls that had been implemented during the war were lifted. As a result, prices of goods started to rise without corresponding increases in workers' wages. This created a situation where prices increased, but people's income did not keep up with the rising costs.

To arrive at this answer, we can eliminate options a and b as they refer to problems that may have occurred after the war but are not directly related to inflation. Option d is incorrect because it states that prices increased at double the rate of the standard of living, which is not necessarily true or specific to the post-World War 2 period.

Therefore, by process of elimination, option c is the correct answer as it accurately explains why inflation became a problem after World War 2.