4. What is the slope of the line that goes through (6, 5) and (3, 1)?

- 3/4
- 4/3

5. the slope of the line that goes through (-3, -5) and (-3, -6) is ______.

4/3 and negative

** -4/3

first one:

slope = (5-1)/(6-3) = 4/3
how did you get it to be negative?

slope = (-5-(-6))/(-3-(-3))
= 1/0

can't divide by zero, so "undefined"

your right! but it is negitive


How can you claim that it is negative, after having it shown that it is positive.
Look at the calculation.

To find the slope of a line, you can use the formula:

slope = (change in y-coordinates) / (change in x-coordinates)

Let's use this formula to solve the questions.

4. To find the slope of the line that goes through (6, 5) and (3, 1), we need to calculate the change in y-coordinates and the change in x-coordinates.

Change in y-coordinates = 1 - 5 = -4
Change in x-coordinates = 3 - 6 = -3

Now, we can calculate the slope:

slope = (-4) / (-3) = 4/3

Therefore, the slope of the line is 4/3.

5. To find the slope of the line that goes through (-3, -5) and (-3, -6), we again need to calculate the change in y-coordinates and the change in x-coordinates.

Change in y-coordinates = -6 - (-5) = -6 + 5 = -1
Change in x-coordinates = -3 - (-3) = -3 + 3 = 0

Now, we can calculate the slope:

slope = (-1) / (0)

Since division by zero is undefined, the slope of the line is undefined in this case.

Therefore, the answer to question 4 is 4/3, and the answer to question 5 is undefined.