What is the purpose of city planning? (2 answers)

a. to fulfill federal government requirements***
b. to correct past mistakes***
c. to create an opportunity for state and local governments to cooperate
d. to gain federal funding for city planning efforts
e. to fulfill requirements for renewable energy

None of these answers make sense, except, possibly, b. But that's not the primary purpose of zoning.


Any people know this answers? I have also this question?

The purpose of city planning encompasses a range of objectives, but it primarily focuses on organizing and optimizing the development of urban areas. Here are two common reasons for city planning:

1. To correct past mistakes: One purpose of city planning is to rectify and improve existing urban environments that may have developed in an unplanned or haphazard manner. This includes addressing issues such as inefficient land use, inadequate infrastructure, lack of public spaces, traffic congestion, and environmental degradation.

To achieve this goal, city planners use various techniques such as land-use zoning, transportation planning, and environmental assessments. By identifying and addressing past mistakes, city planners strive to create more livable and sustainable cities.

To understand how city planning corrects past mistakes, you can research specific case studies or examples of urban revitalization projects where planners have successfully transformed underdeveloped or deteriorated areas into thriving neighborhoods or commercial districts.

2. To create an opportunity for state and local governments to cooperate: City planning often involves collaboration between different levels of government, including state and local authorities. By coordinating efforts and sharing resources, government entities can work together to achieve common goals and ensure that urban areas are developed in a balanced and coordinated manner.

To explore how state and local governments cooperate in urban planning, you can look into metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) in the United States. MPOs bring together various government bodies to develop plans and policies for managing transportation, land use, and infrastructure across a metropolitan area.

In conclusion, city planning aims to address past mistakes in urban development and create opportunities for collaboration among state and local governments. However, it is important to note that city planning serves many other objectives as well, such as prioritizing sustainability, supporting economic growth, and enhancing the quality of life for residents.

I don't see any of those questions answered in this website.
