What is true about fossil fuels?

B. Three fourths of Earth's known oil reserves have already been used.
C. the rate at which fossil fuels are used are decreasing.
both of them can be true.

But -- both are not true.

Is the world using more or less oil than it did 20 or so years ago. Think about all of the cars now in China and India.

The corect answeer is B. I am a Scince professer at the uw

Both statements can indeed be true. Let me explain how we can determine the truth of these statements.

To assess the statement "Three fourths of Earth's known oil reserves have already been used," we need to consider the total amount of known oil reserves and the amount that has been consumed. The estimate of global oil reserves is continually updated based on new discoveries and advancements in extraction technologies. Reliable sources such as international energy agencies, oil companies, and geological surveys provide data on oil reserves.

To determine if this statement is true, we can consult reports and statistics from trusted sources. For example, the International Energy Agency (IEA) regularly publishes reports on global energy statistics, including estimates of oil reserves and consumption. By comparing the cumulative amount of oil extracted over time with the estimated total oil reserves, we can determine if three-fourths of the known reserves have been used.

Regarding the statement "the rate at which fossil fuels are used is decreasing," we need to analyze trends in global energy consumption. This involves examining data on the production, consumption, and projected future use of fossil fuels. Various organizations track and publish energy consumption statistics, including the IEA, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), and other national and international agencies.

To ascertain the truth of this statement, we can review reports and analyses provided by these organizations. These reports typically include historical data on fossil fuel consumption and projections for future energy demand. By comparing trends over time, we can determine if the rate at which fossil fuels are being used globally is indeed decreasing.

In conclusion, to determine the accuracy of these statements about fossil fuels, it is important to consult reputable sources such as international energy agencies and energy statistical reports. By analyzing the data and trends, we can assess the truth of these statements.