Q)Which of these sentences contains a prepositional phrase?

A)Milo meets King Azaz in Dictionopolis.

B Milo, a young boy, meets King Azaz.

C)Dictionopolis is close by.****

Milo travels far.

C is not the right answer.

In that sentence, "by" does not start a phrase; it is an adverb modifying close.

And your answer is?


No, not C! Read the link I posted to you.

D? give me a answer people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your all wrong the answer is D

Gee thanks.

please I need to check my answers

Sorry I sent that message before I saw Ms. Sue's, I think it's B.

A is the right answer

"In" is a preposition.
People go back to school!

There's no preposition in B at all. You're on your own now.