Case Study: describe using ERD diagram how the university can manage Building, Classroom, Course, students, and Instructors, each of which is a table that is drawn indicating Primary Key, and Foreign key. Then explains how the university can add a new course without conflicting with others courses’ time and classroom.

Notice: the relation between Course and Student is m-to-m because a Student may have more than one Course has more than one student.
Draw the ED-D using crows-feet notation. Show the entities and relationships between entities (Building, Classroom, Course, student, Instructor). Indicate the PK primary key, and FK foreign key in each table)

Cannot draw on these posts.

To describe how the university can manage Building, Classroom, Course, Students, and Instructors using an ERD (Entity-Relationship Diagram), we'll start by identifying the entities and their relationships.

1. Building
- Attributes: BuildingID (PK), BuildingName, Location

2. Classroom
- Attributes: ClassroomID (PK), BuildingID (FK), ClassroomNumber, Capacity

3. Course
- Attributes: CourseID (PK), CourseName, InstructorID (FK)

4. Student
- Attributes: StudentID (PK), StudentName

5. Instructor
- Attributes: InstructorID (PK), InstructorName

Now, let's define the relationships between these entities:

- Building and Classroom: One Building can have multiple Classrooms, but each Classroom belongs to only one Building. This is a one-to-many relationship. The BuildingID attribute in the Classroom table is a Foreign Key (FK) referencing the BuildingID in the Building table.

- Course and Classroom: One Classroom can be assigned to multiple Courses, but each Course can only be assigned to one Classroom. This is a one-to-many relationship. The ClassroomID attribute in the Course table is a Foreign Key (FK) referencing the ClassroomID in the Classroom table.

- Course and Student: One Course can have multiple Students, and one Student can be enrolled in multiple Courses. This is a many-to-many relationship, which requires a junction table to represent it. Let's name this table 'CourseStudent'.
- Attributes: CourseID (FK), StudentID (FK)

- Course and Instructor: One Instructor can teach multiple Courses, but each Course has only one Instructor. This is a one-to-many relationship. The InstructorID attribute in the Course table is a Foreign Key (FK) referencing the InstructorID in the Instructor table.

Using crows-feet notation, the ERD would look like this:
┌────────┐ ┌───────────────┐
│Building│ │Instructor │
└────────┘ └───────────────┘
│ │
│ │
▼ ▼
┌───────────┐ ┌───────────────┐ ┌───────────┐
│Classroom │◄──────┤ Course │◄────┤ Student │
└───────────┘ └───────────────┘ └───────────┘

Now, to explain how the university can add a new course without conflicting with others' courses' time and classrooms, there are a few steps they can follow:

1. Determine the available classrooms: The university needs to check which classrooms are available at the desired time slot for the new course. They can query the Classroom table to retrieve information about the classrooms and their availability.

2. Check course schedules: The university should review the schedules of existing courses to ensure there are no conflicts with the desired time slot. They can query the Course table to retrieve information about the existing course schedules.

3. Assign a classroom: Once the university identifies an available classroom and confirms there are no conflicting course schedules, they can assign the classroom to the new course by updating the ClassroomID value in the Course table to the chosen Classroom's ID.

By following these steps, the university can add a new course without conflicting with existing courses' time and classrooms.