This rock turned out to be high grade uranium ore.

Function is adjective

Uranium is a radioactive element that is used to create nuclear energy.

Function is Adjective

During the spring of 1950, a man bent down to pick up a yellow rock.

Function is Direct Object

New Mexico has petroleum, potash, copper, and natural gas-to name a few.
Function is Predicate Noun

None of these is right.

Please study the uses of adverbs.

During the spring of 1950, a man bent down to pick up a yellow rock.

Adverb <---

This rock turned out to be high grade uranium ore.

Predicate Noun <--- high grade uranium ore renames rock (is this right?)

Yes, that's an adverb.

I don't think turned out is a linking verb. I believe that to be high grade uranium ore is an adverb, modifying turned out. It tells how it turned out.

In order to determine the function of a word or phrase in a sentence, it is important to understand the different parts of speech and their roles.

1. "Function" in the sentence "This rock turned out to be high grade uranium ore" is being used as an adjective. Adjectives modify or describe nouns or pronouns. In this case, "function" is describing the type or quality of the rock.

To identify the function of a word as an adjective, you can ask yourself what the word is describing or modifying in the sentence. In this case, "function" is describing the rock.

2. "Function" in the sentence "Uranium is a radioactive element that is used to create nuclear energy" is also being used as an adjective. Here, "function" describes the characteristic or purpose of uranium.

3. "Direct object" in the sentence "During the spring of 1950, a man bent down to pick up a yellow rock" refers to the noun or pronoun that receives the direct action of the verb. In this sentence, the direct object is "rock" because it is the thing that the man picked up.

4. "Predicate noun" in the sentence "New Mexico has petroleum, potash, copper, and natural gas—to name a few" refers to a noun or pronoun that follows a linking verb and renames or identifies the subject. In this case, the subject is "New Mexico" and "predicate noun" is describing the nouns that follow the linking verb "has" (petroleum, potash, copper, and natural gas) and identify what New Mexico has.

To identify the function of a word as a predicate noun, you can look for linking verbs (such as "is," "are," "was," "were," "has," "had," etc.) in the sentence and see if there is a noun or pronoun that renames or identifies the subject.