Which associations best describe the data in the table?

Variable m 9 6 5 1 3 4 2 8 7
Variable n 33 24 18 3 10 14 7 32 26

Choose exactly two answers that are correct.


linear association


negative association


nonlinear association


positive association

Plot the points out on graph paper to see what you get. It could be more than one of the alternatives.

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To determine the associations that best describe the data in the table, we need to analyze the relationship between the variables m and n.

One way to determine the association is by observing the trend in the data points. We can plot the points on a scatter plot to visualize the relationship.

To create a scatter plot, we need to assign the values of variable m to the X-axis and the values of variable n to the Y-axis.

After plotting the points, we can examine the pattern formed by the data points.

If the points form a straight line, the association is linear. If the line slopes upwards from left to right, it is a positive association. If the line slopes downwards from left to right, it is a negative association.

If the points form a curve or a pattern that is not a straight line, the association is nonlinear.

Based on the provided data, let's plot the points on a scatter plot:

Variable m: 9 6 5 1 3 4 2 8 7
Variable n: 33 24 18 3 10 14 7 32 26

Now, let's analyze the scatter plot and determine the associations:

The scatter plot will show that the points form a straight line. If the line slopes upwards from left to right, it is a positive association. If the line slopes downwards from left to right, it is a negative association.

Once we have analyzed the scatter plot, we can identify the correct associations:

Based on the scatter plot, we can see that the points form a straight line that slopes upwards from left to right. This indicates a positive association. Therefore, option D (positive association) is correct.

However, we cannot determine if the association is linear or nonlinear solely based on the information given. To make this determination, we would need additional data points or equations.

Therefore, the correct answers are options B (negative association) and D (positive association).