Conjugate the following verbs in Spanish-

1. Estudiar- singular and plural
2. correr- singular and plural
3. vivir- singular and plural

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Do NOT become dependent upon a translation site. If you look in the back of your textbook (appendix) you should find the verbs conjugated for you.

To conjugate verbs in Spanish, you need to consider the subject of the sentence (whether it is singular or plural) and the tense in which the verb is being used. Here are the conjugations for the verbs "estudiar," "correr," and "vivir" in both singular and plural forms:

1. Estudiar:
- Singular:
- Yo estudio (I study)
- Tú estudias (You study)
- Él/ella/usted estudia (He/she/you formal study)
- Plural:
- Nosotros/nosotras estudiamos (We study)
- Vosotros/vosotras estudiáis (You all study)
- Ellos/ellas/ustedes estudian (They/you all formal study)

2. Correr:
- Singular:
- Yo corro (I run)
- Tú corres (You run)
- Él/ella/usted corre (He/she/you formal run)
- Plural:
- Nosotros/nosotras corremos (We run)
- Vosotros/vosotras corréis (You all run)
- Ellos/ellas/ustedes corren (They/you all formal run)

3. Vivir:
- Singular:
- Yo vivo (I live)
- Tú vives (You live)
- Él/ella/usted vive (He/she/you formal live)
- Plural:
- Nosotros/nosotras vivimos (We live)
- Vosotros/vosotras vivís (You all live)
- Ellos/ellas/ustedes viven (They/you all formal live)

Please note that the conjugations may vary based on the specific tense and mood being used. It's always a good idea to consult a reliable Spanish verb conjugation resource or refer to the appendix of your textbook for comprehensive conjugation charts and further guidance.