what 4 contributions did Galileo make to our understanding the solor system?

i know one was the telescope the other he found 11 moons on jupiter whatare the other 2

he supported Coperican theory and formulated the basic law of flling bodies. the other two are right

Which of the following statements describes one of Galileo’s contributions to science

To determine the remaining two contributions of Galileo to our understanding of the solar system, we can refer to reliable sources such as books, credible websites, or academic papers. However, I will provide you with a general idea of his other significant contributions:

1. The Telescope: As you mentioned, Galileo invented and improved the telescope, allowing him to make groundbreaking observations of celestial bodies. By looking through his telescope, Galileo gathered evidence that supported the heliocentric (sun-centered) model proposed by Copernicus.

2. Discovery of Jupiter's Moons: Galileo observed and documented four large moons orbiting around Jupiter, now known as the Galilean moons (Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto). This observation was pivotal in challenging the geocentric model of the universe, which claimed that all celestial bodies orbited around the Earth.

3. Lunar Observations: Galileo made detailed observations of the Moon's surface and concluded that its surface was not smooth and round, as previously believed. His observations showed that the Moon has mountains, valleys, and a rough texture, challenging the notion of celestial bodies as perfect and unchanging.

4. Phases of Venus: Galileo observed the phases of Venus, which provided further support for the heliocentric model. Through his observations, he saw Venus transition through a series of different shapes, similar to the Moon's phases. This evidence indicated that Venus orbits the Sun, not the Earth.

Remember to double-check these contributions with reliable sources to ensure accuracy and gather more in-depth information if needed.