The following shows the number of chairs rented and returned to Zippy party rentals. For the period Monday to Friday of a week in May.

Number of chairs rented:
Mon: 113
Tues: 367
Fri: 1,083

Number of Chairs returned:

Mon: 46
Wed: 96
Friday: 62

a) On which day was the rental of the chairs closest to 1,000?

b) The number of chairs returned for that week was 306. Calculate the number of chairs returned on Thursday if twice as many were returned on Tuesday as returned on Thursday?

c) What is the mean of chairs rented over that period in the month of May?

(A) subtract each number from 1000. Which difference is smallest in size, + or -?

(B) 46+2x+96+x+62 = 306

(C) add up all the rentals and divide by the number of days

a) To find the day on which the rental of the chairs was closest to 1,000, you can calculate the absolute difference between the number of chairs rented each day and 1,000. The day with the smallest difference will be the closest to 1,000.

First, calculate the difference for each day:

- Monday: |113 - 1,000| = 887
- Tuesday: |367 - 1,000| = 633
- Wednesday: |258 - 1,000| = 742
- Thursday: |969 - 1,000| = 31
- Friday: |1,083 - 1,000| = 83

As you can see, Thursday has the smallest difference (31), so the rental of the chairs was closest to 1,000 on Thursday.

b) We know that the total number of chairs returned for the week is 306. Let's denote the number of chairs returned on Tuesday as 'x'.

According to the question, twice as many chairs were returned on Tuesday as on Thursday. So, the number of chairs returned on Thursday will be 'x/2'.

Now we can set up an equation to solve for 'x':

x + (x/2) = 306

To solve this equation, we can multiply both sides by 2 to get rid of the fraction:

2x + x = 612

Combining like terms:

3x = 612

Dividing both sides by 3:

x = 612/3

Therefore, x = 204.

So, the number of chairs returned on Thursday is 'x/2' = 204/2 = 102.

c) To calculate the mean of chairs rented over the period in the month of May, we need to sum up the number of chairs rented on each day and divide it by the number of days.

Total chairs rented = 113 + 367 + 258 + 969 + 1,083 = 2,790
Number of days = 5

Mean = Total chairs rented / Number of days = 2,790 / 5 = 558

Therefore, the mean number of chairs rented over the period in the month of May is 558.