Write 95.43×10^-4 in scientific notation.

Since we need to have the decimal place so that there is only one number on the left I guess I do this:


And to get back to where I was I need to go -1

So would this be the right answer:


I'm confused may you please help me


When you move the decimal place to the right you add to the -4. i.e. (-4+1)
If it would have been to the left you would have subtracted from the -4. i.e. (-4-1)

Oh okay thank you!

the given explanation is reversed

when the coefficient is changed by moving the decimal point, the exponent is changed to keep the overall value the same

bigger coefficient means smaller exponent ... and vice versa

Sure! I can help you understand how to write 95.43×10^-4 in scientific notation correctly.

Scientific notation is a way of expressing numbers that are very large or very small. It consists of two parts: a coefficient and a power of 10 (exponent). The coefficient is a number between 1 and 10 (inclusive), and the exponent tells us how many places to move the decimal point.

To convert 95.43×10^-4 to scientific notation:

Step 1: Determine the coefficient
Since 95.43 is already between 1 and 10, the coefficient remains the same.

Step 2: Determine the exponent
The exponent is given by the power of 10, which is -4 in this case. To convert it to a positive exponent, we move the decimal point 4 places to the right. If the original number is less than 1, negative exponents move the decimal point to the right.

Step 3: Write the number in scientific notation
Combine the coefficient and exponent in the form of coefficient × 10^exponent.

For 95.43×10^-4, the coefficient remains the same (95.43), and the exponent is -4. So the scientific notation for 95.43×10^-4 is:

9.543 × 10^-3

Hope this clears up any confusion!