1. To get home during the storm was quite difficult.

To get home during the storm - phrase
function; direct object

2. Our plan was to reach southern Maine by noon.
To reach southern Maine by noon - phrase
Function; adverb

3.She was told to reorganize her composition.
To reorganize her composition - PHRASE
function; adverb

4. The person to ask about that is James.
To ask about that - phrase
function; adjective

5. They want to wait another week before acting.
To wait another week - phrase
function; object of prep

To get home during the storm - phrase - yes

function; direct object - no

To reach southern Maine by noon - phrase - yes
Function; adverb - no

To reorganize her composition - PHRASE - yes
function; adverb - no

To wait another week - phrase - yes
function; object of prep - no

In addition to the site I posted for you -- here's another that will help you determine the functions of infinitives.


To determine the function of a phrase, it is important to identify the type of phrase it is and its relationship to the other words in the sentence.

1. "To get home during the storm" is a prepositional phrase functioning as the direct object of the verb "was." It provides additional information about what was difficult.
To find the direct object, you can ask "What was difficult?" The answer is "to get home during the storm."

2. "To reach southern Maine by noon" is an infinitive phrase functioning as the purpose or goal of the verb "was." It explains the plan or intention.
To find the adverb, you can ask "What was the plan or goal?" The answer is "to reach southern Maine by noon."

3. "To reorganize her composition" is an infinitive phrase functioning as an adverb, describing the purpose or reason for telling her something.
To find the adverb, you can ask "Why was she told?" The answer is "to reorganize her composition."

4. "To ask about that" is an infinitive phrase functioning as an adjective, identifying the person who is the best source of information.
To find the adjective, you can ask "Who is the person?" The answer is "the person to ask about that."

5. "To wait another week" is an infinitive phrase functioning as the object of the preposition "before." It provides additional information about what they want to do before acting.
To find the object of the preposition, you can ask "What are they waiting for?" The answer is "another week."