Because he was bourgeois coddled despotic _______ as a child, Rob was a rather self-centered teenager.


2.After hearing the raucous, cheering response to Adam’s speech, Mr. James feared that his new student body president might be an amateur ________.

I think the answer for
1. is coddled and
2. despot

On second thought the 2nd question should be demagogue

I agree with you on #1 -- and with your second answer for #2.


You're welcome.

You are correct!

The answer for the first sentence is "coddled." To understand this, let's break it down:

1. Read the sentence: "Because he was bourgeois coddled despotic _____ as a child, Rob was a rather self-centered teenager."
2. Identify the context: The sentence is describing Rob's behavior as a teenager based on his upbringing as a child.
3. Look for clues: The word "bourgeois" refers to the middle class or those associated with the upper class. The term "despotic" refers to someone who exercises absolute power in a tyrannical way.
4. Analyze the options: The choices are "dubious," "coddled," "despotic," and "bourgeois."
5. Reasoning: Since "coddled" means to be pampered or overly protected, it is the most suitable term to describe a child who grew up in a privileged environment.
6. Choose the answer: Therefore, the word that best fits the sentence is "coddled."

For the second sentence, the answer is "despot." Here's how we can determine that:

1. Read the sentence: "After hearing the raucous, cheering response to Adam's speech, Mr. James feared that his new student body president might be an amateur ________."
2. Identify the context: Mr. James is concerned about the new student body president's abilities based on the reaction to their speech.
3. Look for clues: The words "raucous" and "cheering response" suggest a positive reception, while the phrase "amateur ________" indicates a lack of experience or skill.
4. Analyze the options: The choices are "demagogue," "despot," "enigma," and "bourgeoisie."
5. Reasoning: A "despot" is someone who exercises absolute power and control. If Mr. James is worried about the student president having too much power or being authoritarian, "despot" would be the most appropriate term to describe this concern.
6. Choose the answer: Thus, the word that best completes the sentence is "despot."