If a manufacturer's average-cost equation is C=0.0001q^2-0.02q+5+5000


To calculate the average cost based on the given equation C=0.0001q^2-0.02q+5+5000/q, you simply need to substitute the value of q into the equation and solve for C.

Let's assume you want to find the average cost when q = 100.

Step 1: Replace q with the given value (100) in the equation:
C = 0.0001 * (100)^2 - 0.02 * (100) + 5 + 5000 / 100

Step 2: Simplify the expression:
C = 0.0001 * 10,000 - 2 + 5 + 50
C = 1 - 2 + 5 + 50
C = 54

Therefore, when q = 100, the average cost (C) based on the manufacturer's equation is 54.