Determine which state is more poorly represented.

State A with a population of 277,200 and 11 representatives or state B with a population of 576,000 and 16 representatives.

State A is more poorly represented because it has the smaller average constituency.

State B is more poorly represented because it has the larger average constituency.

Neither - The two states have equal representation.

State B is more poorly represented because it has the smaller average constituency.

State A is more poorly represented because it has the larger average constituency.

State A is more poorly represented because it has the smaller average constituency.

State B is more poorly represented because it has the larger average constituency.

Neither - The two states have equal representation.

State B is more poorly represented because it has the smaller average constituency.

State A is more poorly represented because it has the larger average constituency.

State A is more poorly represented because it has the smaller average constituency.

State B is more poorly represented because it has the larger average constituency.

Neither - The two states have equal representation.

State B is more poorly represented because it has the smaller average constituency.

State A is more poorly represented because it has the larger average constituency.

Would the Answer be B because it has the larger average constituency?

Yes, B.

Yes, the answer would be B because it has the larger average constituency.

Yes, that is correct. State B is more poorly represented because it has the larger average constituency. To determine this, you can calculate the average constituency size for each state by dividing the population by the number of representatives.

For State A:
Average constituency size = 277,200 / 11 = 25,200

For State B:
Average constituency size = 576,000 / 16 = 36,000

Since State B has a higher average constituency size, it means that each representative in State B represents a larger number of people compared to State A. Therefore, State B is more poorly represented.