Explain how members of the Reagan administration acted illegally to sell arms to Iran and aid the Contras in Nicaragua. In a paragraph, give reasons for and against these actions, and evaluate their impact.

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During the 1980s, members of the Reagan administration were involved in actions that were deemed illegal, known as the Iran-Contra affair. The primary reason for their involvement was a desire to secure the release of American hostages held by Iran and to fund the Contras, who were rebels fighting against the Sandinista government in Nicaragua. The administration believed that selling arms to Iran would help establish a relationship with moderate factions within the Iranian government and potentially aid in hostage negotiations. They also saw supporting the Contras as necessary to counter the spread of communism in Central America. However, these actions were widely criticized for several reasons. Firstly, selling arms to Iran violated a U.S. arms embargo and contradicted the administration's public stance against negotiating with terrorists. Secondly, diverting funds from the arms sales to support the Contras without congressional approval breached the Boland Amendment, which prohibited direct or indirect U.S. military aid to the Contras. Lastly, the covert nature of these actions undermined the transparency and accountability of the administration. The impact of these actions was significant. The Iran-Contra affair eroded public trust in the Reagan administration and raised questions about the integrity and legality of their foreign policy decisions. It also strained U.S. relations with several countries involved, tarnished the reputation of the United States, and had lasting consequences for the individuals involved. The affair led to multiple investigations and compelled Congress to pass legislation to prevent similar occurrences in the future. Ultimately, it serves as a reminder of the importance of adherence to legal and ethical standards in government actions.

Unless you read about it to learn about it, you won't be able to answer the question. I won't answer it for you. Google IRAN-CONTRA AFFAIR and you can find the links you need. Your text materials may help, too.