Which of these stories in the Bible would have had the largest impact on an enslaved person?

A rich young ruler is told to give all his wealth to the poor.

God leads the Hebrews out of forced servitude in Egypt.***

Jesus is betrayed by Judas Iscariot, one of his followers.

Moses receives commandments from God on a holy mountain.

So what the heck is the answer!?

Thank you.

b is the anwser

Thank you! I thought that was the answer but now I can be sure!

I agree.

Me too! :)

I am confuzled

The story in the Bible that would have had the largest impact on an enslaved person would likely be "God leads the Hebrews out of forced servitude in Egypt."

To understand why this story would have a significant impact, it is important to consider the context. Enslavement involves being denied freedom, subjected to hardship, and often facing oppression. The story of God leading the Hebrews out of forced servitude in Egypt, also known as the Exodus, resonates with the experiences of enslaved individuals.

Here's how you could arrive at this conclusion:

1. Identify the common elements between the story and the experiences of enslaved people:
- Slavery: Both the story and the experiences of enslaved individuals involve being held against their will and forced into servitude.
- Liberation: The story of the Exodus showcases how God frees the Israelites from bondage, which aligns with the desire for freedom that enslaved individuals also long for.

2. Consider the emotional impact:
- Hope: The Exodus story offers hope to the enslaved, showing that liberation from oppressive conditions is possible with the help of a higher power.
- Empowerment: Seeing how God intervenes and empowers the Israelites to overcome their oppressive situation could inspire hope and resilience among enslaved individuals.

3. Analyze the long-lasting significance:
- Historical Influence: The story of the Exodus served as a source of inspiration and strength for groups facing oppression throughout history, including enslaved African Americans.
- Symbolism: The themes of liberation, justice, and faith found in the Exodus story continue to resonate with those seeking freedom and equality.

Additionally, it is important to recognize the potential impact of other stories in the Bible on enslaved individuals. Each story mentioned has its own unique aspects that could resonate with different people. However, considering the specific circumstances of enslavement and its connection to liberation, the story of God leading the Hebrews out of forced servitude in Egypt would likely have the largest impact on an enslaved person.


wtf is the anwser