6.How did European rule in South America change the people of the continent?

A. European missionaries introduced religion. ***

B. European colonists brought diseases that killed millions of natives.

C. European conquistadors incited conflict on the continent.

D. European landowners put natives to work farming.

I disagree. The natives already had religions.

OOps. my bad! B?

Yes, B.

Thanks Ms. Sue! :) your the best

:-) You're welcome, Tana.

To answer this question, we need to analyze the various ways in which European rule in South America affected the people of the continent. Let's evaluate each of the options:

A. European missionaries introduced religion:
European missionaries did introduce Christianity to South America, thereby having a significant impact on the continent's religious landscape. However, this answer option alone does not fully encapsulate the comprehensive changes that occurred as a result of European rule.

B. European colonists brought diseases that killed millions of natives:
This answer option is accurate. European colonization resulted in the introduction of diseases such as smallpox, measles, and influenza, which ravaged the native populations in South America. These diseases had a devastating impact, leading to the death of millions of indigenous people.

C. European conquistadors incited conflict on the continent:
This answer option is also correct. European conquistadors, such as Hernán Cortés and Francisco Pizarro, engaged in violent conflicts with the native populations, leading to the decimation of many indigenous communities. The conquistadors sought to conquer and exploit the resources of the continent, resulting in widespread conflict and loss of life.

D. European landowners put natives to work farming:
This answer option is partially correct. European landowners in South America did exploit and enslave the native populations, forcing them to work on large plantations, especially in the production of goods such as sugar, tobacco, and cotton. However, this aspect alone does not adequately capture the complex changes that occurred due to European rule.

In summary, while all of the answer options contribute to understanding the changes brought about by European rule in South America, options B and C are the most significant and comprehensive in explaining the drastic impact on the continent's population. Therefore, the most accurate answer to the question is a combination of options B and C.