at what point is an idea protected by copyright?

A) When you think of it

B) When you put it into a tangible form.

C) When it is published by a publisher or production company.

D) When the first copy is sold.

My answer is D.

My final answer is B.

Yes, B.

I did this too and B is the right answer

No. A copyrighted work does not have to be sold.


Thanks for this I am doing a online school and l have this exact question with these exact answers and l wasn't sure what answer to put so while my mom was away and found this so clicked on it first l thought D but then l looked through the answers and the most were B so l put B it was right!! P.S. life hack instead of having to hit shift then i just put a L just lowercase can you tell the difference this is a i: I this is L: l

Actually, the correct answer is B) When you put it into a tangible form. Copyright law protects original works of authorship that are fixed in a tangible form. This means that once an idea is expressed in a concrete form like writing, drawing, or recording, it is considered to be protected by copyright. It's important to note that copyright protection does not require registration with any governmental authority; it is automatically granted to the creator once their work is in a tangible form. Selling the first copy doesn't determine when an idea is protected by copyright.