I need to find at least two effects organized religion has had on society, and provide examples from past or present.

Have you considered laws? Such as marriage, divorce?
Have you considered social organization, such as family activities at gatherings, clothes worn, etc?
Have you considered what society expects girls to do with their life?
Have you considered what society considers to be the purpose of life? Where did those ideas come from?

To find at least two effects of organized religion on society and provide examples, let's explore some aspects you've mentioned:

1. Influence on Laws: Organized religion has historically played a significant role in shaping societal laws. For example, in many cultures, religious teachings have influenced the definition and regulation of marriage and divorce. One example is the influence of Christianity on marriage laws in many Western countries, where the institution of marriage is often seen as a sacrament and subject to certain religious principles.

2. Social Organization and Norms: Organized religion often contributes to social cohesion and provides a framework for shared values, customs, and practices. It influences various aspects of social organization, including family activities, clothing choices, and community gatherings. For instance, in some religious communities, family activities centered around religious rituals, festivals, and gatherings play a vital role in bringing people together and reinforcing group identity.

3. Gender Roles and Expectations: Many organized religions have prescribed gender roles and expectations for their followers. These expectations often shape the role of women in society. For example, traditional interpretations of certain religious texts have influenced societal expectations for women's roles in many cultures, including restrictions on education or career opportunities. However, it's important to note that interpretations and practices vary across different religious groups and individuals.

4. Understanding the Purpose of Life: Organized religion often provides a framework for understanding the purpose and meaning of life. It shapes societies by influencing shared values and beliefs about the ultimate purpose of human existence. These ideas have their origins in religious texts, teachings, and traditions. For example, various religions have different notions about the purpose of life, such as achieving salvation, attaining enlightenment, fulfilling divine commandments, or living a virtuous life.

Remember that the effects of organized religion on society can vary greatly across different cultures, time periods, and religious traditions. It's essential to consider multiple perspectives and examine specific examples to gain a more comprehensive understanding.