Triangle LMN is similar to Triangle XYZ

The scale factor of triangle LMN to Triangle XYZ is 2:5 what is the length of the zx

well, it will be 5/2 as long as NL

According to the given information, the scale factor of triangle LMN to triangle XYZ is 2:5. This means that the corresponding sides of the two triangles are in the ratio of 2:5.

Let's assume that the length of side LM is 2x and the length of side XY is 5x.

To find the length of side ZX, we need to use the same scale factor.

Since the corresponding sides of the triangles are in the ratio of 2:5, the length of side ZM would be 2x and the length of side ZY would be 5x.

Therefore, the length of side ZX would be the difference between the lengths of sides ZY and ZM:

ZX = ZY - ZM
ZX = 5x - 2x
ZX = 3x

Therefore, the length of side ZX is 3x.

To find the length of ZX, we need to know the length of the corresponding side in triangle LMN. Let's call that side Z'X'.

Since triangle LMN is similar to triangle XYZ, the length of any corresponding sides will have a constant ratio, which is the scale factor.

Given that the scale factor of triangle LMN to triangle XYZ is 2:5, we can set up the following proportion:

Z'X' / ZX = 2 / 5

To find the length of Z'X', we can multiply ZX by the ratio of the given scale factor:

Z'X' = ZX * (2 / 5)

So, to find the length of ZX, you need to know the length of the corresponding side Z'X'. If you have that information, you can multiply it by 5/2 to get the length of ZX.