cara uses 2/3 of a cup of almonds to make 4 cups of trail mix. how many cups of almonds would she use to make 9 cups of trail mix

Just set up a ratio:

(2/3) / 4 = x/9
4x = 9(2/3) = 6
x = 3/2 cups


1/4 cup servings of trail mix can make with 4 cups

To solve this question, we need to set up a proportion and solve for the unknown amount of almonds.

Let's assume that "x" represents the unknown amount of almonds needed to make 9 cups of trail mix.

Based on the given information, we know that Cara uses 2/3 cup of almonds to make 4 cups of trail mix. So, we can set up the proportion:

(2/3) cup almond / 4 cups trail mix = x cup almond / 9 cups trail mix

To solve the proportion, we cross-multiply:

4 * x = (2/3) * 9

4x = 18/3

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 4 to isolate the value of x:

x = (18/3) / 4

x = (18/3) * (1/4)

x = 3/3

x = 1

Therefore, Cara would need 1 cup of almonds to make 9 cups of trail mix.