4. When a player steps into his/her backswing, where should the weight of his/her body be placed?

A. Left hip
B. Right hip**
C. Back foot
D. Front foot

Back foot.

I did Golf for a little bit. I haven't done it in a long time though. But I know you should place your weight on the left foot.

which one?

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the question. The question asks where the weight of a player's body should be placed when they step into their backswing. To find the answer, we need to understand the mechanics of a golf swing.

In a golf swing, weight transfer plays an essential role in generating power and maintaining balance. During the backswing, the player's weight shifts from their address position (where weight is evenly distributed) towards the trailing side or the side opposite to the target. This transfer creates torque and allows for a powerful swing.

Now, let's analyze the answer choices:

A. Left hip: This option is incorrect because during the backswing, the weight shifts away from the left hip (for a right-handed golfer) towards the right side.

B. Right hip: This option is correct. As mentioned earlier, during the backswing, the player's weight transfers to the right side (for a right-handed golfer) and onto the right hip.

C. Back foot: Although some weight does shift towards the back foot, it is not the primary location for weight distribution during the backswing.

D. Front foot: During the backswing, the weight primarily transfers away from the front foot. Therefore, this option is incorrect.

To answer the question correctly, the weight of a player's body should be placed on their right hip (for a right-handed golfer) when they step into their backswing. Therefore, the correct answer is B. Right hip.