Why are w=fxd and E =mc2 both energy

The second law of thermodynamics: Heat is work, and work is heat.

The equivalence of mass and energy: mass is energy, and energy is mass.

These are fundamental laws of Physics. Believe them.

If you wish, you can work out the units in force*distance and mass*velocity^2, and prove they have the same unit, units of energy.

Ok ty

Both "w=fxd" and "E=mc²" represent different forms of energy.

Let's first break down the equation "w=fxd". This equation represents the work done on an object, where "w" represents work, "f" represents force, and "d" represents displacement. Work is the energy transferred to or from an object when a force acts on it over a displacement. So, "w=fxd" is a way to calculate the energy transferred through work.

On the other hand, the equation "E=mc²" represents Einstein's famous mass-energy equivalence theory. In this equation, "E" represents energy, "m" represents mass, and "c" represents the speed of light. According to this equation, mass and energy are interchangeable. It states that a given amount of mass can be converted into a corresponding amount of energy and vice versa. This equation provides a way to calculate the energy content of an object based on its mass.

In summary, "w=fxd" calculates the energy transferred through work, while "E=mc²" represents the equivalence between mass and energy. Both equations are fundamental in understanding and calculating different forms of energy.