What's Karen doing over there. She is supposed to be studying, but it looks like she is playing Andrew's game.

Oh, my!

Hey! I am the only one who did not get you?! LOL


To determine what Karen is doing and if she is studying or playing a game, you can follow these steps:

1. Observe Karen's behavior: Take a look at how she is behaving. Is she actively engaged with the game, or does she appear to be studying while occasionally glancing at the game?

2. Look for study materials: Check if Karen has any study materials nearby, such as textbooks, notes, or a laptop open to educational resources.

3. Ask Karen about her current activity: Politely approach Karen and inquire about what she is currently doing. Ask her if she is studying or playing a game.

By following these steps, you should be able to gather enough information to determine whether Karen is studying or playing a game.