What is the mass of the meterstick shown in the figure (Hint: 25% of the meterstick’s mass is to the left of the fulcrum and 75% is to the right)?



To find the mass of the meterstick, we can use the principle of moments.

Let's assume that the mass of the meterstick is M, and let x represent the distance from the fulcrum to the center of mass of the meterstick.

According to the given information, 25% of the mass is to the left of the fulcrum and 75% is to the right.

The moment on the left side of the fulcrum is given by (0.25M)(x), and the moment on the right side of the fulcrum is given by (0.75M)(1-x).

For equilibrium, these moments must balance each other, so we have the equation:

(0.25M)(x) = (0.75M)(1-x)

Simplifying the equation:

0.25M x = 0.75M - 0.75M x

0.25M x + 0.75M x = 0.75M

1M x = 0.75M

x = 0.75

Therefore, the center of mass of the meterstick is located 0.75 meters to the right of the fulcrum.

The mass of the meterstick can be calculated by multiplying the distance to the center of mass by the total mass:

Mass = M * x

Mass = M * 0.75

Thus, the mass of the meterstick shown in the figure is 0.75 times the total mass (M).

To find the mass of the meterstick shown in the figure, we need to know the mass distribution and the location of the fulcrum. In this case, the hint tells us that 25% of the meterstick's mass is to the left of the fulcrum and 75% is to the right.

To calculate the mass, we can assign arbitrary values to the total mass of the meterstick. Let's assume the total mass is 100 grams.

According to the hint, 25% of the mass (25 grams in this case) is located to the left of the fulcrum, and 75% (75 grams) is located to the right.

As the fulcrum is the point of balance, we can infer that the distances from the fulcrum to the left and right sides of the meterstick are equal. Thus, the mass distribution is symmetric.

Since the mass distribution is symmetric, we can divide the meterstick into two equal halves, with each half having 50 grams of mass. One half is on the left side, and the other half is on the right side.

Therefore, the mass of the meterstick shown in the figure is 100 grams.