1.A saturated meadow,

2.Sun-shaped and jewel-small,

3.A circle scarcely wider

4.Than the trees around were tall:

5.Where winds were quite excluded,

6.And the air was stifling sweet

7.With the breath of many flowers,

8.A temple of the heat.

9.There we bowed us in the burning,

10.As the sun's right worship is,

11.To pick where none could miss them

12.A thousand orchises;

13.For though the grass was scattered,

14.yet every second spear

15.Seemed tipped with wings of color,

16.That tinged the atmosphere.

Where can you find a metaphor in the poem?
A: Lines 1 and 2.
B: Lines 5 and 6.
C: lines 10 and 11. *
D: lines 13 and 14.

I think it is A.

To find a metaphor in the poem, you need to identify a comparison between two things that does not use "like" or "as" to make the comparison. In this poem, the metaphor can be found in lines 10 and 11: "To pick where none could miss them / A thousand orchises." The poet is comparing the act of picking orchids to the act of worshiping the sun. This metaphor emphasizes the significance and reverence that the speaker and others attribute to picking the orchids in the meadow. Therefore, the correct answer is C: lines 10 and 11.