"... In administering the laws of Congress I shall keep steadily in view the limitations as well as the extent of the Executive power trusting thereby to discharge the functions of my office without transcending its authority. ..."

Review section 1. What does the phrase "without transcending its authority" suggest about Jackson?

Jackson is concerned about abusing the power he has been given.

Jackson wants to unite the states but does not have enough control of Congress.

Jackson feels the Congress has too much influence on the office of the President.

Jackson is worried that the office of President does not carry enough power to influence the states.

(I am thinking either A or D)

The phrase "without transcending its authority" suggests that Jackson is concerned about abusing the power he has been given. This indicates that he wants to ensure that he doesn't exceed the limits of his authority as President and wants to govern within the boundaries set by the laws of Congress. So option A, "Jackson is concerned about abusing the power he has been given," is the correct choice.