A jar contains 5 green erasers, 2 striped erasers, 4 pink erasers, and 3 white erasers. You select an eraser at random. What is P(not pink)?

A. 4/14
B. 2/5
C. 5/7
D. 1/7



Simplify that fraction.

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How many are not pink? How many total erasers are there?

Well 10 of the erasers are not pink. And when you take away the 4 pink erasers, you have 10.

Before you take away the pink erasers, you have 14.

the answers are

if you go to connexus this is the answers

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To find the probability of selecting an eraser that is not pink, we need to determine the total number of erasers and the number of erasers that are not pink.

The total number of erasers in the jar is given by adding up the number of each color: 5 green erasers + 2 striped erasers + 4 pink erasers + 3 white erasers = 14 erasers.

The number of erasers that are not pink is given by subtracting the number of pink erasers from the total number of erasers: 14 erasers - 4 pink erasers = 10 erasers.

Therefore, the probability of selecting an eraser that is not pink is given by the number of erasers that are not pink divided by the total number of erasers:

P(not pink) = 10 erasers / 14 erasers = 5/7.

So the correct answer is C. 5/7.