1. What are the geographical (physical) features of Mexico?

2. Compare life for the Aztecs before and after the Spanish conquest.

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1. To explore the geographical (physical) features of Mexico, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by conducting a search on a reliable search engine or browsing reputable geographical websites. Popular sources include National Geographic, Britannica, or official government websites related to Mexico's geography.
2. Look for specific geographical features like mountains, rivers, deserts, and coastal regions within Mexico.
3. Pay attention to the country's unique geological formations, such as the Sierra Madre mountain ranges, the Yucatan Peninsula, or the Baja California Peninsula.
4. Also, explore Mexico's diverse ecosystems, such as tropical rainforests, arid deserts, high-altitude plateaus, and coastal mangroves.
5. Note any notable bodies of water, such as the Gulf of Mexico, the Pacific Ocean, or major rivers like the Rio Grande and the Usumacinta.
6. You can also search for information on Mexico's climate zones, including tropical, desert, and temperate regions.
7. To deepen your understanding, consider referencing maps, satellite images, and other visual resources for a better grasp of Mexico's geography.

2. To compare life for the Aztecs before and after the Spanish conquest:

1. Start by researching and acquiring general knowledge about the Aztec civilization's way of life before the Spanish conquest. You can refer to reputable historical books or academic articles for a comprehensive understanding.
2. Explore the Aztec society's political, social, economic, and religious structures. Look into their governance system, social hierarchy, agriculture, trade, and religious practices.
3. Pay attention to significant events like the reign of famous Aztec rulers like Montezuma II or the construction of iconic structures like Tenochtitlan, their capital city.
4. Study the impact of the Spanish conquest, led by Hernan Cortes, on the Aztec civilization. Research the sequence of events, major battles, and the eventual fall of Tenochtitlan.
5. Analyze the consequences of the Spanish conquest on the Aztec way of life. Consider factors such as loss of political autonomy, changes in religion, introduction of new diseases, forced labor, and cultural influences.
6. Compare the pre-conquest Aztec society's cultural, political, and economic systems with the changes brought about by Spanish colonization.
7. Collect and evaluate historical accounts, primary sources, and scholarly interpretations to gain a well-rounded understanding of the topic.

Remember, it's important to cross-reference information from reliable sources to ensure accuracy and gain a comprehensive understanding of the subject.