To make each costume for a play, a seamstress uses 3 yards 10 inches of fabric. How much fabric will she use to make 9 identical costumes?

3 yards, 10 inches * 9 = 27 yards, 90 inches = 29.5 yards

To solve this problem, we need to find the total amount of fabric required to make 9 identical costumes.

First, let's convert 3 yards 10 inches into a single unit of measurement, such as inches.

1 yard is equal to 36 inches, so 3 yards would be 3 * 36 = 108 inches.

Now, we add the 10 inches, which gives us a total of 108 + 10 = 118 inches of fabric needed for one costume.

Since all 9 costumes are identical, we multiply the fabric required for one costume (118 inches) by the number of costumes (9) to find the total amount of fabric needed.

118 inches * 9 costumes = 1062 inches.

Therefore, the seamstress will need 1062 inches of fabric to make 9 identical costumes.