A zoo measured the wingspan, in millimeters, of 9 butterflies.

55 50 54 57 50 55 53 52 55

What is the median length of the wingspans?

50 mm

54 mm

55 mm

57 mm

I think it is 54 mm.

Yes, 54 mm.

To find the median length of the wingspans, you need to arrange the measurements in ascending order. Here are the measurements in ascending order:

50, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 55, 55, 57

Now, to find the median, we need to identify the middle value. In this case, there are 9 measurements, so the middle value is the 5th measurement.

So the median length of the wingspans is 54 mm, which matches your answer. Well done!