Determine the amount of NaoH dissolved in 250ml of the solution by titrating it against N/10 H2so4 solution

To determine the amount of NaOH dissolved in a 250ml solution, you can perform a titration against a known concentration of N/10 H2SO4 solution. Here are the steps to follow:

1. Prepare the NaOH solution: Start by determining the concentration of the NaOH solution you are using. If the concentration is given, note it down. If not, you may need to calculate it by using the molar mass of NaOH and the weight of a known quantity dissolved in a specific volume of water. For example, if you dissolve 2 g of NaOH in 250 ml of water, and assuming the molar mass of NaOH is 40 g/mol, the concentration would be 2 g / 40 g/mol = 0.05 mol/L.

2. Prepare the N/10 H2SO4 solution: N/10 refers to normality or equivalent concentration. Calculate the molarity of the N/10 H2SO4 solution by dividing its normality concentration by the number of equivalents of H2SO4 present (which is 2). For example, N/10 H2SO4 is equivalent to 1/10 of 0.2 M H2SO4, so its molarity would be 0.02 M.

3. Perform the titration: Use a burette to slowly add the N/10 H2SO4 solution to the NaOH solution while stirring continuously. The reaction between NaOH and H2SO4 is as follows: NaOH + H2SO4 -> Na2SO4 + H2O. The reaction is complete when the solution turns neutral, indicated by a color change or by using a pH indicator.

4. Record the data: Note the volume of the N/10 H2SO4 solution required to reach the neutralization point. Let's say it took 20 mL.

5. Calculate the amount of NaOH: Since the reaction between NaOH and H2SO4 is 1:1, the moles of NaOH will be equal to the moles of H2SO4 used in the reaction. Calculate the number of moles by multiplying the molarity of the N/10 H2SO4 solution with the volume used. In this example, it would be (0.02 M) x (0.020 L) = 0.0004 moles.

6. Finally, calculate the amount of NaOH in the 250 ml solution by multiplying the number of moles of NaOH with its molar mass. For example, if the molar mass of NaOH is 40 g/mol, it would be 0.0004 moles x 40 g/mol = 0.016 g.

Therefore, it can be determined that there is 0.016 g of NaOH dissolved in the 250 ml solution by titrating it against N/10 H2SO4 solution.