How many times greater is the 4 in the hundreds place than the 4 in the ones place in the number 536,494

Well, the first 4 represents 400

the 4 in the unit position represents 4

what is 400/4 ??

in 156,443 how many times greater is the number 4 in the hundreds place than the number 4 in the tens place? ????


To find out how many times greater the 4 in the hundreds place is than the 4 in the ones place in the number 536,494, we need to compare the two values. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Identify the place values of the two 4s.
In the number 536,494, the first 4 is in the hundreds place, while the second 4 is in the ones place.

Step 2: Determine the value of each 4.
The first 4 in the hundreds place represents the value 400. The second 4 in the ones place represents the value 4.

Step 3: Calculate the difference in value.
Subtract the value of the 4 in the ones place from the value of the 4 in the hundreds place.
400 - 4 = 396.

Step 4: Calculate how many times greater one value is than the other.
Take the value obtained in the previous step and divide it by the value of the 4 in the ones place.
396 รท 4 = 99.

Thus, the 4 in the hundreds place in the number 536,494 is 99 times greater than the 4 in the ones place.

what the heck