Design a class named TextBook that is a child class of Book. Include a new data field for the grade level of the book and get and set methods for the new field. Provide the pseudocode for the TextBook class

Very basic pseudo code is what we're dealing with. New to OOP and I do not understand it. I'm not asking anyone to simply solve these problems but rather help walking me through them if possible. These are not assignments, just exercises from the book that I'm trying to do on my own time

Sure! I can guide you through the process of designing the TextBook class by providing a basic pseudocode. Here's an example:

class Book:
// Data fields
- title
- author
- publication year

// Get and set methods for the data fields

+ getTitle()
+ setTitle(title)

+ getAuthor()
+ setAuthor(author)

+ getPublicationYear()
+ setPublicationYear(year)

end class

class TextBook extends Book:
// Additional data field
- gradeLevel

// Get and set methods for the gradeLevel field

+ getGradeLevel()
+ setGradeLevel(level)

end class

In this pseudocode, we first define the parent class `Book` with its data fields (title, author, and publication year) and corresponding get/set methods. These methods allow us to access and modify the values of the data fields.

We then define the child class `TextBook`, which extends the `Book` class. In addition to the data fields inherited from the parent class, `TextBook` has an additional data field called `gradeLevel`. This field represents the grade level of the book.

Next, we include the get and set methods specifically for the `gradeLevel` field. These methods allow us to retrieve and update the value of the `gradeLevel` field.

Keep in mind that this pseudocode is just a basic representation and does not include any specific syntax for any particular programming language. The implementation details, such as the declaration of the data fields and the construction of the get/set methods, will vary depending on the programming language you are using.