Construct a quadrilateral ABCD such that /AB /=4cm, /BC /,=5cm, /AD /=3.5cm and CAB=30°.measure /AB/

Huh? You already said that |AB|=4cm

To construct the figure,
bisect a 60° angle to get angle A.

Mark B where an arc of radius 4 intersects one side of angle A.

C lies on a circle CB of radius 5 with center at B.

D lies on a circle CA of radius 5 with center at A.

So, CD is a segment joining any two suitable points on CA and CB

oops. CA has radius 3.5

To construct a quadrilateral ABCD, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Draw a line segment AB of length 4 cm.
Step 2: From point A, draw an angle of 30° using a protractor.
Step 3: Using the compass, measure a distance of 3.5 cm from point A on the ray of the angle. Mark this point as D.
Step 4: From point D, draw a line segment perpendicular to AB. Label the point of intersection with AB as E.
Step 5: Using the compass, set the width to 5 cm and place the compass point at point E. With the compass, draw an arc intersecting the perpendicular line at point C.
Step 6: Connect points B and C to complete the quadrilateral ABCD.

Finally, measure the length of side AB using a ruler, and it should be 4 cm.

To construct a quadrilateral ABCD with the given measurements and angle, follow these steps:

Step 1: Draw a straight line segment AB of length 4 cm.

Step 2: At point A, construct an angle of 30 degrees. To do this, use a protractor and draw a ray extending from point A at an angle of 30 degrees counter-clockwise.

Step 3: Measure and mark a distance of 3.5 cm from point A along the ray. This point will be named D.

Step 4: Draw a straight line segment DC of length 5 cm, connecting point D to a new point C.

Step 5: Finally, complete the quadrilateral by drawing a straight line segment from point C to the starting point, A. This will create quadrilateral ABCD.

To measure the length of AB, you will need a ruler or a measuring tape. Simply place the ruler or tape measure along the line segment AB and note its length. In this case, the length of AB is 4 cm.