need a tongue twister out of these words stitch,switch,speech,stretch,scratch

During my speech, I wanted to stretch to reach the switch to scratch the itchy stitch. <G> Say that three times really fast.

Sure! Here's a tongue twister using the words "stitch," "switch," "speech," "stretch," and "scratch":

"During my speech, I wanted to stretch to reach the switch to scratch the itchy stitch."

To say it three times fast, follow these steps:

1. Read the tongue twister slowly and carefully to make sure you understand the words and their pronunciation.
2. Break the tongue twister down into smaller phrases: "During my speech," "I wanted to stretch," "to reach the switch," "to scratch the itchy stitch."
3. Begin by saying the first phrase slowly: "During my speech."
4. Gradually increase your speed while maintaining clarity: "During my speech, During my speech, During my speech."
5. Move on to the next phrase and repeat the process: "I wanted to stretch, I wanted to stretch, I wanted to stretch."
6. Combine the first two phrases and start practicing: "During my speech, I wanted to stretch."
7. Repeat steps 4-6 for the remaining phrases: "to reach the switch, to scratch the itchy stitch."
8. Finally, try saying the whole tongue twister three times as quickly as you can: "During my speech, I wanted to stretch to reach the switch to scratch the itchy stitch. During my speech, I wanted to stretch to reach the switch to scratch the itchy stitch. During my speech, I wanted to stretch to reach the switch to scratch the itchy stitch."

Remember to practice, start slowly, and gradually increase your speed to master the tongue twister!