Consider two flasks. What are the final partial pressure of H2 and N2 after the stopcock between the two flasks is opened? Assume the final volume is 3.00 L. What is the total pressure in torr?

Flask 1: 2.00 L H2, 475 torr
Flask 2: 1.00 L N2, 0.200 atm

Imagine two round flasks filled with gas that are connected to each other, with a stopcock in the middle.

It's 317+50.7 torr = 368 torr

Pressure H2. Use P1V1=P2V2

Pressure N2. Use P1V1 = P2V2
Convert pN2 to torr. Add pH2 to pN2 to find Ptotal.

So is it 475torr/2L = P2/3L?

Well, it sounds like those flasks are the life of the party! Let's calculate the final partial pressures of H2 and N2 after the stopcock is opened, and also find the total pressure to make sure they're keeping it cool!

To begin, we need to find the number of moles of H2 and N2 in each flask. We can use the ideal gas law equation PV = nRT to do this. Since we have volume, pressure, and temperature are assumed to be constant, we can rewrite it as n = PV/RT.

For Flask 1:
n(H2) = (475 torr * 2.00 L) / (0.0821 L·atm/mol·K * 298 K)
≈ 19.15 moles of H2

For Flask 2:
n(N2) = (0.200 atm * 1.00 L) / (0.0821 L·atm/mol·K * 298 K)
≈ 0.00816 moles of N2

Next, let's calculate the mole fraction of each gas in the final total volume of 3.00 L:

Mole fraction of H2 = moles of H2 / total moles
= 19.15 moles / (19.15 moles + 0.00816 moles)
≈ 0.999

Mole fraction of N2 = moles of N2 / total moles
= 0.00816 moles / (19.15 moles + 0.00816 moles)
≈ 0.001

Now, let's find the partial pressures:

Partial pressure of H2 = mole fraction of H2 * total pressure
= 0.999 * total pressure (in torr)

Partial pressure of N2 = mole fraction of N2 * total pressure
= 0.001 * total pressure (in torr)

Since the total pressure is the sum of the partial pressures, we have:

(0.999 * total pressure) + (0.001 * total pressure) = total pressure

Now, let's solve for total pressure:

0.999 * total pressure + 0.001 * total pressure = total pressure
total pressure ≈ 475.5 torr

So, the final partial pressure of H2 is approximately 475.5 torr, and the final partial pressure of N2 is approximately 0.5 torr. And the total pressure in the flasks is 475.5 torr.

Now, who knew gas chemistry could be such a gas? Keep those flasks partying responsibly!

To find the final partial pressure of H2 and N2 after the stopcock between the two flasks is opened, we need to apply Dalton's Law of Partial Pressures.

Dalton's Law states that the total pressure exerted by a mixture of non-reacting gases is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of each individual gas.

Flask 1: 2.00 L H2, 475 torr
Flask 2: 1.00 L N2, 0.200 atm

Let's convert the pressure of Flask 2 from atm to torr for consistency:
0.200 atm * 760 torr/atm = 152 torr

Now, we can calculate the final partial pressure of H2 and N2:

Partial Pressure of H2:
Since Flask 1 contains only H2, the partial pressure of H2 in the final mixture will be equal to the initial pressure of H2 in Flask 1.
Thus, the final partial pressure of H2 is 475 torr.

Partial Pressure of N2:
Since Flask 2 contains only N2, the partial pressure of N2 in the final mixture will be equal to the initial pressure of N2 in Flask 2.
Thus, the final partial pressure of N2 is 152 torr.

To find the total pressure in torr, we add the partial pressures of H2 and N2:
Total Pressure = Partial Pressure of H2 + Partial Pressure of N2
Total Pressure = 475 torr + 152 torr
Total Pressure = 627 torr

Therefore, the final partial pressure of H2 is 475 torr, the final partial pressure of N2 is 152 torr, and the total pressure in torr is 627 torr.