"Immaigrants who arrive in American cites are poor and frightened. they are helped to find jobs and housing. These newcomers should show their gratitude at voting time"

Who most likely would have said this?

A-political Boss---
B-Factory owner
C-labor union Member
D-Religious leader

645????? WHY NO ANSWER?!?!

You need to go back into your text to find this. You'd also need to pay attention to the era (time period).

Based on the given statement, "Immigrants who arrive in American cities are poor and frightened. They are helped to find jobs and housing. These newcomers should show their gratitude at voting time," it is difficult to attribute this statement to a specific individual without more context. However, we can analyze the options provided and make an educated guess.

A) Political Boss: A political boss refers to a person who holds significant power and influence over a political party or organization. They are renowned for their ability to control votes and exert influence over immigrants and other marginalized groups for personal gain. Therefore, it is likely that a political boss would expect gratitude from immigrants at voting time. However, this option alone does not provide sufficient evidence to determine if a political boss actually said this.

B) Factory Owner: Considering the statement's focus on immigrants' difficulties and their need for assistance, it is less likely that a factory owner would have made this statement. While factory owners may employ immigrants, their primary concern is usually related to labor, production, and profit, rather than showing gratitude at voting time.

C) Labor Union Member: Labor unions typically advocate for workers' rights and often support social and political changes to benefit their members. It is less likely that a labor union member would make a statement suggesting immigrants should show gratitude at voting time.

D) Religious Leader: Religious leaders often emphasize compassion, kindness, and support for those in need. It is conceivable that a religious leader might have made this statement, particularly if they were advocating for immigrants' wellbeing and encouraging them to be active participants in their new communities.

Based on the provided options, the most likely individual to have made this statement would be a political boss or a religious leader. However, without further context, it is difficult to determine the exact source of this statement.