in need of journal articles that talk about the structures,characteristics , nutrition,growth and control of bacterias,viruses and eukarya in general...please help

Certainly! Finding journal articles on the topics you mentioned can be done by following these steps:

1. Start with a reputable academic database: Begin by accessing reputable online databases that host a wide range of scientific journals. Some popular databases include PubMed, ScienceDirect, JSTOR, and Google Scholar. Choose one that is accessible to you, either through your institution or as an open access resource.

2. Formulate search terms: Define specific keywords that describe your topic. In this case, you could use terms like "bacteria structure," "virus characteristics," "eukaryotic growth," and so on. Be sure to include synonyms or related terms to increase the breadth of your search.

3. Refine your search: Once you have your search terms, you can refine your search using Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT). For example, you could combine your terms with "AND" to find articles that include all of your search terms, such as "bacteria structure AND growth."

4. Apply filters: Most databases provide filters to narrow down your search results. You can filter by publication date, article type (e.g., review articles, original research), subject area, or language, among others. These filters help you find articles that are more relevant to your specific needs.

5. Assess article relevance: Once you have a list of articles, skim their titles, abstracts, and introductions to assess their relevance to your research. Look out for keywords that match your topic and investigate further.

6. Access the full article: Some articles may be freely accessible, while others may require a subscription or payment. If you don't have access to a specific article, you can try reaching out to the authors directly or accessing it through interlibrary loan services at your institution.

Remember to critically evaluate the information you find, considering factors like the credibility of the journal, authors, and methodology used. Good luck with your research!