Which group in Chinese society is not given equal education and job opportunities?

A. Other countries did not want the low-priced products.
B. Other countries quickly bought the low-priced products.
C. Other countries made low-priced products themselves.
D. Other countries looked for even lower-priced products

Your answer choices don't match the question. Please clarify.

I think it is the women because back then the women were stay at home moms and couldn't go outside while the men were outside working.

Its Women I just took the test

The question is asking about which group in Chinese society does not receive equal education and job opportunities. To find the answer, we need to analyze the given answer options and identify the one that correlates with the unequal distribution of education and job opportunities in China.

Options A, B, C, and D do not directly address the given issue. They appear to discuss the preferences and actions of other countries in relation to low-priced products, which is unrelated to the unequal treatment of a specific group within Chinese society.

However, none of the provided answer options directly addresses the issue of unequal education and job opportunities within Chinese society. It is necessary to explore alternative sources or conduct further research to obtain a more accurate answer.