Given that a­­^b = x, evaluate the following;



a^b = x

a^(b+2) = a^2 * a^b = a^2 x

2a^3b + a^2b + a^b
= 2x^3 + x^2 + x

for the first one, isn't it supposed to be x= a^2x

To evaluate the expression a^(b+2), we can start by using the property of exponents that states a^(b+c) can be rewritten as a^b * a^c. Therefore, we can rewrite the expression as:

a^(b+2) = a^b * a^2.

Next, you need to know the value of a^b in order to evaluate this expression. However, it is not provided in the given information. Without knowing the value of a^b or any specific values for a and b, we cannot simplify the expression any further.

Moving on to the evaluation of the expression 2a^3b + a^2b + ab, it seems to be a sum of terms. To compute it, we need to know the values of a and b.

For example, if we have specific values for a and b, we can plug them into the expression and simplify accordingly. Let's say a = 2 and b = 3:

2a^3b + a^2b + ab
= 2(2^3)(3) + (2^2)(3) + (2)(3)
= 2(8)(3) + (4)(3) + 6
= 48 + 12 + 6
= 66

Therefore, the value of the expression 2a^3b + a^2b + ab, given a = 2 and b = 3, is 66.