1. joan asked 30 randomly selected adult restaurant customers about their choice of beverages. eighteen customers said coffee is their favorite beveragee. if the restaurant serves 200 adult customers perday, estimate the number who will choose coffee to drink


2. Which is the best display for the set of the number of tornadoes in the United States each year , If you want to be able to identify the mode?

a) histogram with intervals of 5***
b) frequency table with intervals of 3
c) line pot
d) line graph

Ahh see now you're being nicer Ms. Sue.

Yo I just want my answers, man..

I agree.

yall childish as hell i just want my answers man.

impostor is sussy thicc

Sorry that was me being an imposter

we know thats not connexus because if it was it would be addressing the fact that someone is cheating and if it were connexus it wouldn't care about someone pretending to be Md.Sue

Same Dysfunk

sussy baka
