Place an F to indicate which of the following is a sentence fragment or an S to indicate if it is a complete sentence.

1. (S) Clyde refused.

2. (F) In the heart of cottage country.

3. (S) Inevitably, things change.

Just making sure, since I'm not 100% sure on these 3. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Thank you


To determine whether each of the given statements is a complete sentence or a sentence fragment, you need to understand the components of a sentence. A complete sentence consists of a subject and a predicate and expresses a complete thought. On the other hand, a sentence fragment is an incomplete sentence that does not express a complete thought.

Let's analyze each of the given statements:

1. (S) Clyde refused.

This statement is a complete sentence. It contains both a subject (Clyde) and a predicate (refused), and it expresses a complete thought.

2. (F) In the heart of cottage country.

This statement is a sentence fragment. It lacks a subject and a predicate, and therefore, it does not express a complete thought. To make it a complete sentence, it needs additional information.

3. (S) Inevitably, things change.

This statement is a complete sentence. It contains both a subject (things) and a predicate (change), and it expresses a complete thought.

So, your analysis is correct for statements 1 and 3. Statement 2 is a sentence fragment.