1. joan asked 30 randomly selected adult restaurant customers about their choice of beverages. eighteen customers said coffee is their favorite beveragee. if the restaurant serves 200 adult customers perday, estimate the number who will choose coffee to drink


2. Which is the best display for the set of the number of tornadoes in the United States each year , If you want to be able to identify the mode?

a) histogram with intervals of 5
b) frequency table with intervals of 3
c) line pot***
d) line graph

So you don't offer help, Ms. Sue?

Right. You could at least tell her how to find out the answer.

Both are wrong.

I know for sure 1 is c

1. C 2. A

1. To estimate the number of customers who will choose coffee to drink, we can use the concept of proportion. We know that out of 30 randomly selected customers, 18 said coffee is their favorite beverage. We can then assume that this proportion holds true for the entire population of customers.

To find the estimated number of customers who will choose coffee, we can set up a proportion:

(18 customers / 30 randomly selected customers) = (x customers / 200 total customers)

Cross-multiplying gives us:

30x = 18 * 200

Simplifying gives us:

30x = 3600

Dividing both sides by 30 gives us:

x = 120

Therefore, the estimated number of customers who will choose coffee to drink is 120.

So, the answer is c) 120.

2. If we want to be able to identify the mode (the value that appears most frequently) for the number of tornadoes in the United States each year, the best display would be a frequency table with intervals of 3.

A frequency table provides a clear and organized representation of the data, making it easier to observe patterns and identify the mode. By grouping the number of tornadoes into intervals of 3, we can see how many years fall within each interval, and hence determine the mode.

Therefore, the answer is option b) frequency table with intervals of 3.