I have a rope that is 3.6 meters long if I cut the rope into two pieces one piece is 1.925 meters long how long is the other piece of rope

3.6 - 1.925 = ________ meters

Easy. 3.6 - 1.925.

To find the length of the other piece of rope, you need to subtract the length of the given piece from the total length of the rope.

Total length of the rope = 3.6 meters
Length of one piece = 1.925 meters

To find the length of the other piece:

1. Subtract the length of the given piece from the total length:
Other piece length = Total length - Length of given piece

Other piece length = 3.6 meters - 1.925 meters

2. Calculate the result:
Other piece length = 1.675 meters

Therefore, the length of the other piece of rope is 1.675 meters.