So I did this whole math test and before I could hit "finish", my computer died and nothing saved. I have no memory of how I figured them out. Could you guys help please?

Find the lateral area of the square pyramid. Show all steps.

Base: 8m
Length(height): 22m

Find the surface area of the cone. Use 3.14 for pi. Show all steps.

Base diameter: 8m

Find the volume of the cylinder. Use 3.14 for pi. Show all steps.

Base diameter: 34m
Height: 27m


I'm sorry your computer died at such a critical time.

But I'm sure you can reconstruct what you did if you think hard about it.

I would have assumed that you used paper to work out the problems before entering them into the computer. I would think doing it on paper would be the only way to do these problems.

Not meaning to be rude. Correct me if I'm wrong, but, you are tutors, right? And tutors help the student figure out the problems they're given? I've seen Ms. Sue do this a few times. I've asked three questions that I worked for hours trying to figure out, my computer then died and I couldn't have my work, and what you give me as help is "I'm sure if you think you can do it"

I understand you not wanting to give me the direct answers, as that would be considered "cheating", but if you could at least point me in the right direction, or simply outline what I have to do in order to get the answer, that would be most appreciated :)***

Thank you! :)

You're welcome.

Strange that you can log in here and discuss things, but can't work up the smarts to use google.

Just sayin' ...