Why did the soviet union want to prevent a united West Berlin. A It would allow west Germans to enter freely in east germany. B It would be considered a threat to the Soviet Union C It would draw valuable natural resources D It would make West Berlin bigger than East Berlin I think answer is C Can someone please letme know if I'm right.Thanks

pls give the answers

Sorry -- I forgot that Berlin was divided into four sectors immediately after the war. Britain and the U.S. joined theres, and later France joined them to make West Berlin, governed by the three nations.

To determine the correct answer, let's examine the options and the historical context:

A) It would allow West Germans to enter freely in East Germany.
This answer is partially correct. The Soviet Union did want to prevent the free movement of West Germans into East Germany. However, this reason alone did not make the Soviet Union oppose a united West Berlin. After World War II, Germany was divided into four zones, with the Soviet Union controlling the eastern part of Germany, which included East Berlin.

B) It would be considered a threat to the Soviet Union.
This answer is also partially correct. The Soviet Union did see a united West Berlin as a potential threat because it would be under the influence of Western powers and could potentially become a stronghold against communism in Eastern Europe.

C) It would draw valuable natural resources.
This answer is incorrect. West Berlin did not possess any significant natural resources that the Soviet Union would consider valuable.

D) It would make West Berlin bigger than East Berlin.
This answer is incorrect as well. The size of the city would not have been the primary concern for the Soviet Union. Instead, it was more about the ideological and geopolitical implications of a united West Berlin.

Considering the historical context and the primary motivations of the Soviet Union, the correct answer is B) It would be considered a threat to the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union wanted to prevent a united West Berlin to avoid having a strong Western presence close to its eastern borders and to maintain its influence over Eastern Europe.

Do you have a typo? West Berlin was always united. However, after World War II, Berlin was divided into a Western zone and and Eastern zone.

C is not correct.


Ms. Sue made a mistake! How could have a tutor make such a silly mistake?!? Alas, it may always be a mystery