What events and figures have shaped the development of Islam in the United States?

Check these sites about the development of Islam in the U.S.

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To understand how events and figures have shaped the development of Islam in the United States, you can refer to reliable sources such as:

1. The website mentioned in the question, which unfortunately is no longer accessible. However, you can try searching for "American Muslim" on Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Muslim) to get an overview of the topic.

Wikipedia is a good starting point as it provides general information and references for further research. However, it is always important to verify the information from other credible sources such as academic journals, books, reputable news outlets, and scholarly websites.

When researching the development of Islam in the United States, you can analyze several significant events and figures that have shaped this process. These may include:

1. Early Muslim presence: Studying the arrival and settlement of the first Muslims in the United States, such as African slaves who were forcefully brought to America, or early Arab and South Asian Muslim immigrants.

2. The Nation of Islam: Exploring the emergence and influence of the Nation of Islam, a socio-religious movement, led by figures like Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X, which played a significant role in the visibility and recognition of Islam in America.

3. Immigration and naturalization policies: Understanding the impact of immigration policies on the Muslim diaspora, including the Immigration Act of 1965, which allowed for increased immigration from Muslim-majority countries, and subsequent policy changes affecting Muslim communities.

4. 9/11 and its aftermath: Examining how the events of September 11, 2001, influenced the perception and treatment of Muslims in America, including increased scrutiny and discrimination, as well as efforts by Muslims to counter negative stereotypes.

5. Interfaith dialogues and intercultural initiatives: Investigating the efforts of various individuals, organizations, and institutions to promote understanding, tolerance, and collaboration between Muslims and other religious communities in the United States.

By exploring these events and figures, you can gain a deeper understanding of how Islam has developed and evolved within the United States, and the challenges and triumphs that have shaped the American Muslim experience.